Svenska Osteopatförbundet har glädjen att få vara värd för den årliga, nordiska osteopatkongressen. Kongressen går av stapeln 12-13 oktober 2019 i Göteborg. Temat är samband mellan kropp, hjärna och sinne och en mängd intressanta föreläsare är inbjudna:
Helena Backlund Wasling: Neuroscientist from Göteborgs Universitet and Sahlgrenska
Akademien and lecturer with a specialized focus on the human brain, the neural and
psychological mechanisms for touch and social interactions. She will lecture on the effects
of the human touch.
Robert Shaw: Osteopath and PhD in psychotherapy working in Sweden with a special
interest in the psychological aspects of osteopathic practice. He will lecture on the effects
of trauma and stress assessment in the osteopathic clinical setting.
Hazel Mansfield: Osteopath and lecturer based in Sweden and the UK will lecture on the
interoceptive dimension in awareness, pain and beyond giving a review of concepts,
applications and roles of interoception and its relevance to osteopathic treatment.
Tobias Sundberg: Tobias Sundberg: Researcher at Karolinska Institutet, Sofiahemmet University and University of Technology Sydney, physiotherapist and PhD, currently conducting studies on evidence-based practice in manual medicine, will report on his findings.
Tom Eirik Bjørkli: Osteopath active in Kristiansand, Norway with a special interest in the
psychological aspects of pain management and Acceptance Commitment Theory (ACT).
Hanna Tomasdottir: Osteopath with a Master in Positive Psychology active in
Copenhagen, Denmark will lecture on positive communication and its importance to
clinical practice.
Gabriela Jones: Registered psychologist and lecturer at Göteborgs Universitet. She is a
specialist within Work and Organizational Psychology and will hold a workshop in
Compassioned Focus Therapy for clinicians.
Kongressen börjar på lördagen kl 8.30 med registrering och slutar kl 16. Söndagen börjar kl 9 och slutar kl 16
Hela schemat finns tillgängligt här.
Samtliga medlemmar från de nordiska förbunden är inbjudna, anmälan görs till